Multi CH Legend's Hero Lancelot
CH Heroes Monopoly CH Kenmore of Legacy BISS CH Polaris of Legacy
CH P-Jaze Legacy Brand Cabaret
CH Heroes Unforgettable Jasmine CH Legacy's Brand the Sheik TD
CH Saratoga of Legacy
CH Housebuster's Discovery DKCH/KBH99/KLBCH Danish CH Legacy's Housebuster CH Legacy's Totally Radical
CH Legacy's Willow Shade
CH Majestic's Almond Joy BISS CH Polaris of Legacy
CH Legacy's Candy Devine
CH Boru's Midnight Lullaby
CH Tracersown Hylbillies Arlo
CH-Tracersown-McGruf-Bothswain.jpg CH Tracersown McGruf Bothswain CH Tracersown Trooper
CH Tracersown Golden Girl
Tracersown-Lindas-Stardust.jpg Tracersown Linda's Stardust CH Serendipity's Lido
CH Woodsong's Homegrown Onion
CH Cu F'ola Arsin Around
AMCAN-CH-Murphys-Continental-Drift.jpg AM/CAN CH Murphy's Continental Drift BIS CH Mason's Heartbreak Hotel
AM/CAN CH Bigwood's Ruby Tuesday
Ch-WBT-Tullmore-Dew.jpg CH WBT Tullmore Dew Sir Larimore of Fred Way
The Celts Lady Shannon of FW